Hope in Our Times
(Re-posted from Comfort-Cafe.net, July 2018)

But as for me, I watch in hope for the Lord, I wait for God my Savior; my God will hear me . . . though I sit in darkness, the Lord will be my light. ~ Micah 7:7, 8b
Both Christians and non-Christians express their concerns to me about distressing trends they see in the world. The increasing corruption and decreasing respect for traditional institutions, the increasing disregard for integrity, the disintegrating etiquette of polite public discourse, the feverish pitch of vitriol hurled around in the media further polarizing our nation, the shocking prevalence of sexual predatory behavior being exposed, the rapid shifting of societal mores—daily the news reflects alarming new realities.
Micah’s Observations
The prophet Micah also described distressing times. In chapter 7 he makes comments such as these:
What misery is mine! . . . The godly have been swept from the land . . . the ruler demands gifts, the judge accepts bribes, the powerful dictate what they desire—they all conspire together . . .
But despite his concerning observations, Micah found encouragement because he kept a right focus. “Though I sit in darkness, the Lord will be my light . . . I watch in hope for the Lord . . . ”
And this is a good word for us today.
Lord, you see our times, and we affirm once again that nothing is out of Your sovereign control. We pray, “Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven.” May your righteous rule be established soon. We choose to renounce fear as we wait and watch and hope in You. In Jesus name, Amen.